Thursday, December 13, 2012

Helen O Grady End of Term Three 2012

Helen O Grady Botswana has been very quiet on the blogging front lately and for this I must apologise.  Term Three was so packed full with rehearsals for the end of year productions that my fingers could just not get any time to get down and do any blogging.  However if you check out our Facebook page you will be able to see some lovely photos of the children in their costumes and in mid acting.
The children were able to put into practice all their skills they had learnt in the first two terms and get on the stage and ACT.  I was so proud of them all for their efforts in making their short productions what they were.
The Helen O Grady Drama curriculum is packed with activities which helps to improve children's self confidence, public speaking skills, gives them positive feedback all the time and engages them in a lot of social interaction with their peers.